MHSA Housing Program

Office of Supportive Housing
2310 N. First Street, Suite 201 (Second Floor)
San Jose, CA 95131

Main Office: (408) 278-6400​​​​
Fax: (669) 220-1444


​Program Description​

  • Processes applications for housing projects that will be submitted to State DMH and CalHFA for MHSA funding for designated MHSA units.
  • Collaborates with staff/contractors from the Office of Affordable Housing in work associated with the processing of MHSA Housing Program applications. (Their fee is attached to the projects as part of the development fee.)
  • Conducts all the meetings necessary to fulfill the requirements of the department and the housing program.
  • Works with the Care Coordination Project and the MHSA applicants to get them into housing and works with their Case Managers to help them maintain their housing.​


What's NEW!

The Behavioral Health Services Department’s Office of Housing and Homeless Support Services is seeking feedback on two proposed new housing developments in SunnyvaleParkside Studios and Armory Family Housingthat are a part of the MHSA Housing Program. The service-program related documents are posted below for review. ​


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