The PIT Count has been completed! Thank you for your participation!

Volunteer Training

The Office of Supportive Housing offered virtual training for volunteers. Below is a link to a recording.

Volunteer Signup

Thank you for your interest. The 2023 PIT Count volunteer sign up is now available. Please click this link and fill out a short survey to express your interest to volunteer.

Help us reach those interested in volunteering with flyers: English | Spanish

Training materials are available below. In person and virtual trainings will be scheduled starting in January leading up to the count.

After signing up to volunteer, team leaders can RESERVE CENSUS TRACTS to count using this link. Please select 2-3 tracts to cover per day you wish to volunteer. Note some tracts are already reserved for outreach teams and advocate groups that specialize in those areas. If you feel your group specializes in a certain area that is already reserved, please contact ASR.

Volunteers can download printable maps for their selected tracts. Click on a tract you reserved, then a box with a PDF Map Link in it will show. Select view and a pdf map of the individual tract will open allowing you to print or download.

Hotspot Collaboration

A new strategy we are trying this year is to crowdsource potential hotspots for unsheltered people. If you would like to contribute please use the links below to add your sightings to a list. The first link will be for the general unsheltered population. The second will be for youths only.

Unsheltered Person Observations

Unsheltered Youth Observations

What is the Point-in-Time Count?

The Point-in-Time (PIT) count is a count of sheltered and unsheltered people experiencing homelessness on a single night in January. HUD requires that Continuums of Care conduct an annual count of people experiencing homelessness who are sheltered in emergency shelter, transitional housing, and Safe Havens on a single night. Continuums of Care also must conduct a count of unsheltered people experiencing homelessness every other year. Each count is planned, coordinated, and carried out locally.

Why does the Point-in-Time Count matter?

Point-in-Time Count data are the primary data used for federal funding allocations and national estimates of homelessness. The numbers reported by your community are used by the US Interagency Council on Homelessness and all federal departments including Housing and Education. PIT Count numbers are also most often cited by local strategic plans, state, county and city government and the media.


Any questions? Please contact:

Peter Connery, Applied Survey Research

Leila Qureishi, County of Santa Clara Office of Supportive Housing
[email protected]

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